Sunday, October 13, 2013

Oct 13 2013

Oct 13 2013

Object Oriented Programming is a programing style that represents data and theoretical concepts as "objects" and the corresponding operations on the "objects" as "methods". During the initialization of an "object", "attributes" will be attached to the object defined. In computer science, object oriented programming can greatly simplify practical tasks by attaching a finite subset of functions to a specific type. This way, computer scientists can freely choose among different existing types and have the flexibility of creating classes of their own based on the demands of their tasks. With object oriented programming, the implementation of Abstract Data types are also greatly simplified since it is only the analogue of creating a class. Object Orientated Programming can also help programmer to understand GUI in a more intuitive way. For instance, the creation of a space in tkinter is simply the class Canvas. The appearance of a rectangle on the screen is simply the implementation of the create_rectangle method to the Canvas class.

Recursion if the repetition of a task or an item in a self-similar way. The application of recursion in computer science is rather self-explanatory. I Many situations computer scientists need to solve problems in a self repeating manner. For instance, in numerical differentiation and integration problems, we often need to repeat a same mathematical approximation procedure in a recursive manner over the entire defined domain of a function. Similarly, tasks in bioinformatics often involves the storage of data in a recursive data structure. Therefore, the implementation of recursive algorithms can efficiently extract and analyze data from such structures. On top of the practical applications, an obvious advantage of an recursive function is efficiency. Implementing a recursive function can avoid the repetitive use of the same function numerical times.

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