This particular post will specifically focus on selection algorithms. I have previously touched upon the topic in the post regarding the big-O notation. This post will focus more on the methods which these algorithms employ and compare the advantages of each.
To begin, let us talk about the well known bubble sort. This particular sorting algorithm is a standard but an inefficient one. Each pass through a list makes one less comparison comparing to the previous one. Due to this nature, the bubble sort algorithm can be implemented using recursion. However due to the sheer number of switches which the algorithm has to make in the worst possible case, i.e the case which the list is completely reversed. This method is extremely inefficient, since the number of switches increases in a quadratic sense with respect to the length of the list.
The selection sort is an improvement of the bubble sort. It improves the bubble sort by selecting out only the largest element in the input and place it at the proper position each time it goes through a list. The number of comparisons which the method makes is the same as the bubble sort, hence yielding O(n^2) efficiency. However, it is much more efficient in terms of the number of switches which it makes during each pass of the element, thus saving us time and energy during the application of this method.
Now, let us shift our perspective a bit. Other than passing linearly through a list, we employ a divide and conquer strategy. To demonstrate this strategy, we look at the method of quicksort. The quicksort algorithm yields O(nlogn) efficiency by partitioning each list in 2 with respect to a pivot value and then recursively apply the same procedure to the subsequent lists generated. The division of the lists is that all items that are smaller than the pivot value goes to the left and all the values that are greater goes to the right. Same method will be repeated for the subsequent lists until the length of the list becomes 1. The correctness of this algorithm can be proven using induction. This particular method is much more efficient comparing to the previous one. This is due to the recursive nature of the algorithm allows the computer to solve multiple problems at the same time. This is a common theme in terms of the efficiency of different sorting algorithms. When a specific method allows us to only put one item in order, we are usually faced with two options. One is to actually go through the entire list sorting one at a time. This will usually yield a O(n^2) efficiency. However, if we are able to divide the list up and use recursion to simultaneously solve the problem on different partitions of the list.
To have something that goes along with this theme, let us look at merge sort. Similar to the quick sort, this algorithm yield a O(n*log n) efficiency. This is due to the same reason as above, there are long n number of ways to split a list in smaller lists of length 2. This method works by completely breaking down a large list into smaller lists of size one. The lists will be sorted with the neighbouring lists, and recursively, bigger lists will be sorted according to the same method and finally yields the sorted master list. Again, together with last algorithm, the beauty of this particular method lies with the beauty of recursion. Bigger problems are being divided down into smaller lists so that simultaneous application of the function to different partitions of the domain is allowed.
Let us again shift our attention a bit and talk about count sort. Count sort takes a slightly different approach comparing to the bubble sort. I put this sorting algorithm together with bubble sort due to their non recursive nature. Comparing to the bubble sort or insertion sort, this method is highly efficient for a non-recursive function. This is because this entire method is based on the key space of the input list. The bucket list is first generated during the first pass through the list. This list contains a range of possible value that is contained within the list. I say range of possible values due to the fact that in case of integers, we might want to generate a list that has values from the smallest to the largest value of the input. In case of the elements are a deck of cards, we might want a list of all possible representations of the cards. The second step of this method is counting the occurrence of each element in the bucket-list. The third step, which consist of only one pass through the bucket list, is to rebuild the sorted list from the bucket list. Since the bucket list will be produced sorted by default and it contains the number of occurrences of each element, the resulting list will be sorted. Note that the beauty of this sort is that really requires one pass through a list and thus the efficiency is linear O(n + k) with n being the number of elements in the input list and k being the number of elements in the bucket list. One disadvantage of this method is that it requires the initial generation of the bucket list, which is entirely dependent on the size of the key space. If the key space is large, then great cost will come with the application of this algorithm.
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